Orders will typically be shipped within 1-3 days of purchase via USPS or UPS. If timing is an issue, please contact us for current delivery times.
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, for any reason, it may be returned in its original condition within 30 days of delivery. Shipping charges are excluded.
If possible, please use the same shipping materials that your item(s) arrived in for return shipping–we will not issue a refund for items that have been damaged in transit due to poor packing. Once approved, your refund will be issued via your original payment method.
Note: If your item(s) were damaged in transit, please take photos of the damaged item(s), packaging, and contact us immediately.
In order to issue a return, please follow these steps:
- Please notify us of your return as soon as possible.
- Use the original packaging to send your item(s), if possible.
- Make sure to pack your item(s) securely.
- Ship your item(s).
Contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (303) 817-3483